Menopause naturally happens in a gradual process, as your body stops producing estrogen and no longer menstruates. Usually this occurs between 40 and 55 years old. Someone whose ovaries have been removed may also experience menopause. While there are associated symptoms, menopause is nothing to be scared of, and is a natural part of life.


Everyone’s experience of menopause can be a little different. If you find the physical or emotional symptoms of menopause challenging, Dr. Drake can design a therapeutic plan to lessen the effects based on your specific needs and health history.

Common menopause symptoms include:

  • Your period getting lighter and stopping altogether

  • Hot flashes

  • Trouble sleeping

  • Vaginal dryness

  • Frequent urination

  • Change in bone density

  • Emotional changes

Many of these symptoms are related - for instance, hot flashes at night may make it hard to sleep, and lack of sleep can lead to emotional distress. Dr. Drake takes a whole-body approach to easing the symptoms of menopause and maintaining your quality of life.

Lifestyle Changes to Ease Symptoms

Many women have found that lifestyle changes and herbal supplements can alleviate their menopause symptoms. One of the most effective strategies is the combination of a healthy diet and regular exercise. Low-fat, low-cholesterol foods and even low-impact exercise like walking can counteract the changes in bone density that may come with menopause and help maintain a strong and healthy body.

When it comes to herbal remedies, always consult with your doctor to make sure the product is safe and effective for you. While some herbal treatments can help to soothe or relax, they can also interact poorly with prescription medication. Dr. Drake can help recommend non-medical treatments to ease some symptoms of menopause without impacting your overall health.

Hormone Therapy

If you’re experiencing severe symptoms, hormone therapy may be a helpful option. Hormone therapy provides estrogen, progestin, or a combination of the two to supplement the hormones your body is no longer producing. These are often provided using standard birth control methods like pills, patches, or vaginal rings.

As with any treatment, there are benefits and risks involved with hormone therapy, including elevated risks for some cancers. These risks depend on many factors, including your individual health history and the length and dosage of treatments. Talk with Dr. Drake to find out if hormone therapy is the right choice for you.